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Best Morning Routine for Beginners.

Everyone wants to be Productive and be successful in their life but how we can do it actually.

I'll share few steps to improve yourself with this small steps and get fit in the box of Routine.

First of all we need to focus on priorities first because we can't do everything in a day we can but doing it for 2 to 3 days we will lose our motivation.

We will jump to our old routine which is not you wanted like seriously who wants to be in their bed whole day or laying on couch doing nothing but scrolling.

does that sounds good to you obviously nobody wants this for their whole life.

We better STOP! this and work on it to live the life we want.

STEP 1 : Wake up early in the Morning.

First step will be waking up early in the morning which does not mean to wake up at 4 or 6 you can but in situations where you are a person who usually wakes up at 6:30 or 7:00.

What it means is you should start waking up 30 minutes before then you usual timing or average timing this will help you fall asleep early in the night and slowly slowly you will be a Morning person or at whatever timing you want to wake up at.

STEP 2 : Meditate.

Meditating this is a amazing habit which have tons of benefits you will be relax stress free calm by doing this in the morning so try to meditate atleast for 5 min or 2 min atleast.

STEP 3 : Stretches.

Stretching your body after waking up can also increase your height stretches are helpful to wake you up and your body because stretching will make you feel much more better so do some stretching just of 5 to 10 minutes atleast.

STEP 4 : Breakfast.

Breakfast for which many people convert themselevs into a morning person do you know how many disadvantages are there of skipping your breakfast you better grab a healthy and light breakfast for a healthy life and for happy life.

STEP 5 : Skincare.

Skincare you should take care of your skin so do a simple Skincare and if you are a teen and confused for skincare then look for my Skincare Routine blog.

Click here for Skincare Routine.

STEP 6 : Makeup.

Now Makeup do something light even if you are at home a light makeup tutorial or you can try some different makeup types there are alot trending these days so do your makeup and for boys you can skip this step.

STEP 7 : Hair.

Hair so, hair what you will be doing for your hair styles make them look better brush them out do something make them feel happy as you will be while trying to be the best version of yourself.

STEP 8 : Outfit.

Outfit Dang! now you will be saying that you are not going out you are just staying at home all day so what i mean is wear something different then your PJs there is thin line between Night dress and comfortable outfit to wear in day time. So, change it.

STEP 9 : Make Your Bed.

Making your bed you can do it as first step but as you are just starting out your routine and this work might be frustrating for you that early so do this at last but it does not mean that you gonna skip it no no no do it right away as quick as possible i am favoring you by telling it at last so favor me and do it.

And be consistent with this skipping 2 to 3 days is fine in 2 weeks but this are so simple steps you won't. So, Be CONSISTENT and be the Best Version of Yourself.


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